Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Increase referals by keeping in Touch with People that You Meet!

Smart business people know that getting referrals is the best way to attract new customers. Why? Referred individuals are more likely to do business with you because someone they know or trust suggested that you can help them. Research shows that customers who come from referrals are better customers. They pay faster, complain less, buy more, and stay longer term.

Getting Referrals Can Be Difficult.

Many business owners are uncomfortable to ask for referrals and it can be a challenge to get people to remember you as time goes by. Think about it for a minute. You meet someone at a networking event, can not currently help each other, and are not a good fit for whatever reason to set a follow up meeting. Eight months later, that same person that you met at the networking event has a need for your services. The million dollar question is??? Will they think of you first?

How to Get More Referrals

Networking is a long term process, it is about developing relationships and bonding with people over time. That means keeping in constant contact with them. Yes it is true, you can send out a quick email to people to keep in touch, but networking guru's all seem to agree that a hand written personal note or card is the preferable form of communication for building rapport.

The Secrets of the Most Successful Referral Marketers

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