Friday, July 31, 2009

I Need Your help

After Biba4Network’s new look recently, I am now working on updating my program "Power of Networking Secrets." I developed this program a few years ago now, but since then there have been many changes to the ways you can promote your business, and attract clients. We can’t avoid the big boom of social networking if we want to stay in business. My program will now discusses how to integrate social media marketing.

But how? Lots of solo-entrepreneurs are very confused on how to use Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and others and how to follow up with the people that you meet on these social media websites. Are the online and offline strategies the
same? How do you adapt them?

But to make sure I will answer every of your question on this new version of "Power of Networking Secrets" I need your help.
So to help me upgrade the most complete progra

m, could you just answer the two following questions:
1/ What are your 3 biggest challenges at a live networkingevent ?
2/ What are your 3 biggest challenges with social networking?
Just hit reply with your answer today and as a thank you for your help and your time, I will send you a Fre.e special report covering these challenges as soon as it will be ready.

It will take me a few weeks to update the program, which means that in the next weeks the price will also be upgraded too. So take this opportunity to get the current copy of "Power of Networking Secrets" NOW at $147 ONLY while you still can.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Virtual Abundance Expo

“This July…Over 12 Top World Thought Leaders, Trainers, And Inspirational Luminaries Will Be In Your Living Room… for an entire week”

Okay, let's face it ...

It's not easy to think "abundance" these days because if you're like most folks, you're feeling the stress of the turbulent economic times we're currently in :-(

And that's exactly why I want you to take a look at the virtual expo event taking place July 27 - 30th.

It's called the "Virtual Abundance Expo" (VAE) and for almost a week, you'll get access to leaders who teach the "Abundance" mindset. I'm giving this event my highest recommendation and I encourage you to click and read the full story.

The VAE is the most exclusive and affordable way to think and feel more abundant results for life.

Get the full story here

To more abundance,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's The Day After the Networking Event - What Do I Do Now?‏

Networking is a little like fishing. You have to show up, put your line in the water and continue to be patient until a fish bites.You are invited to join me, Patricia Weber, The Business Sales Coach for Introverts and others on July 23th for a telephone Blitz Event entitled 'The Day After the Networking Event - What Do I Do Now?' We have room for you!

Michael Kreppein, Chief Sales Officer of Inquisix, will talk about what you do the morning after a networking event.

During his call, you will learn:
* Show Up - Were you prepared for the event last night? Prepping for the event means you're ready for the morning after.

* Dive In - You have all these business cards infront of you, now what? Respond to them all? Just a few? And what do you say?

* Best Way to Get Value - The best way to get value from attending networking events is to Give. Learn why giving ends up meaning you get

* Continue Reaching Out - The next networking event may not be for another month. What should you do over the next 30 days?

If you accept the invitation, you will be assigned a phone # and passcode to dial into the event; and during the event you will get to have up to 5 short 6 minute conversations with others signed up for the event.

Come and show up, put your line in the water and then put Michael's ideas into action.

How Do You Define Abundance?

Abundance is a concept often debated in spiritual and entrepreneurial circles.
Entrepreneurs commonly use the catch-phrase "thinking BIG," but they really mean the same thing.

Abundance is tough to define because it's one of those unique ideas that must be experienced to really be understood ... it can't just be explained.
Yet the most encouraging part of adopting an abundance mindset is how it can connect you to people with totally different set of beliefs and values.

It instantly sustains inclusivity even with people who are dramatically different.
POP QUIZ: What do Mother Theresa and Donald Trump have most in common?
The answer is their abundance mind-set.

Donald Trump says, "If you're going to think anyway, you might as well think big."

Mother Theresa said: "The more we discover the magnitude and abundance of God's gifts, the more we will find ourselves."

Again, the abundance mindset creates connections.

Bucky Fuller had this to say about the abundance mindset:
"The condition of planet earth is abundance. Our belief in either scarcity or abundance determines how our financial, legal, political and military systems are set up or exist at all.

Scarcity and abundance are foundational and contextual ideas. They each give rise to a distinct system of thought and a number of rules, characteristics and measures which only make sense within their own system."

Above all, the abundance-mindset is a choice. In other words, you choose to look through the lens of scarcity, or through the lens of abundance. There is no in-between.

"Do ... or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

Because there are are so many differing opinions about abundance, my colleagues and I have decided to conductthis worldwide survey get more opinions - your opinion - on this highly debated topic.
My JV partners, Alex Mandossian and Scott Martineau are hosting the Virtual Abundance Expo next week, so I figured this a great opportunity to host a survey and attract the best single sentence that clearly defines abundance.

What to do now: Please use the comment box to write your definition of abundance. The survey ends at 5pm PDT on Monday, July 27th, right before Jack Canfield's keynote speech for the Virtual Abundance Expo.

All the definitions will be gathered and tallied the next day and five finalists will be chosen for the final vote.

If you are one of the five finalists, your definition of abundance will be personally evaluated by our Virtual Abundance Expo faculty.

The top vote-getter with the clearest and most concise definition of abundance will be personally interviewed by Scott and Alex as a honorary faculty member for Virtual Abundance Expo.

So what do you say ... are you game?

If you are game, then take a peek at these 9 abundance quotes to get your heart and mind moving...

"The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention"
~ Kevin Kelly in Wired
"Nothing amuses me more than the easy manner with which everybody settles the abundance of those who have a great deal less than themselves."
~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

"Abundance is, in large part, an attitude" ~ Sue Patton Thoele

"Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise"
~ Heraclitus (540 BC - 480 BC)
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little"
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)

"Unfortunately, the balance of nature decrees that a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares"
~ Peter Ustinov (1921 - 2004)
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into"
~ Wayne Dyer

"Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level"
~ Eileen Caddy

"Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance"
~ Epicurus

Now it's your turn ... type in what you feel abundance means to you. Go ahead ... the simple act of thinking about it will instantly improve your day.

Free Teleclass - Are you ready to SHINE with Ali Brown?

I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about a groundbreaking preview call hosted by Ali Brown (my coach for the last 4 years) coming up on *Wednesday, July 29*.

It's called "Shine: The New Entrepreneurial Model That'sChanging the World"
(In a hurry? Sign up for this complimentary call now

If you haven't heard of Ali, get ready to have your worldchanged forever. This dynamic woman is paving a new road forentrepreneurs with her business models and income growthstrategies. She got started with internet marketing and hassince then created a multimillion dollar company devoted tohelping women and men create profitable businesses (and lives)that can help change the world. (She even recently launched herown print magazine, but you'll hear about that later.)

The important thing to know is that Ali's methods work - she'shelped everyone from home-based moms to millionaires double ortriple their revenues by ramping up their businesses.

Well, Ali's ready to launch something brand new and BIG. And she's revealing all on this one-time complimentary teleseminar called "Shine," which you can learn more about here

You see, there's a monumental shift happening in business, and the world.

Previous income models are failing and fading. Entrepreneurs whoare continuing to operate as they have previously are findingthe same old strategies are not working anymore. In fact, theyare likely hurting their business.

The "traditional" paradigms for success are collapsing. Andthose who know will be leading the way as they SHINE...
* It's not about working harder - it's about daring to workdifferently
* It's not about marketing with hype - it's about authenticity,with style
* It's not about dreaming dreams - it's about pursuing thempurposefully
* It's not about materialism - it's about wealth of self, inside and out>

Ali will explain it all on this one-time call. She'll also besharing about her groundbreaking new LIVE Shine event this fallin Las Vegas, Nevada. (And you'll learn how you can enjoy agenerous $500 discount off the ticket price.)

Again, learn more and register for this free teleseminar on July29

You don't want to miss this call with Ali - she's leading the evolution.

See you on the call.

Networking Secrets for Sales Reluctance

Meet Patricia Weber, The Business Sales Coach for Introverts.

Independent Professionals, Salespeople, Small Business Owners: Sales reluctance can hit salespeople at any point in selling. Introverts in particular have innate strengths that can help us to be more successful, influential and effective.

Here’s how you can increase your sales by at least 20% to 30% more easily and quickly, being just who you are.
Click-here and Receive totaly FREE 9 Audios!

"Networking Secrets for Sales Reluctance: How I Overcame Unsuccessful Networking as an Introvert!"

You'll have instant access to these recordings. And be subscribed to Patricia's monthly one page ezine.
Just fill in your first name and email address here:
Gift 1: Free 9 audios and 3 additional bonuses:
Gift 2: 52 week reluctance action plan and tips,
Gift 3: Shatter sales reluctance report, and
Gift 4: FREE 9 page REPORT "My Top 6 Sales Secrets asAn Undeniably Top Producer Introvert!"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What is your branding strategy?

As I mentioned in May, I redesign my logo. After almost two years in Miami, the New York City skyline didn't adequately represent my business anymore. As my business has become more international, it was time for Biba4Network’s new look.

After the new logo, I also needed a new business card. I tested the design by showing it to my mastermind group here in Miami for feedback. They all loved it, and I implemented the one change they suggested. Now the cards are ready to go to print. After changing my logo and card, it was crucial to redesign my website banners to reflect the new look. I finally have finished the project. Last week we updated every page, including about 200 pages on my website Biba4network and 50 pages on TheConnectionQueen. Both websites now share the same look, which streamlined my branding.

Biba4Network is the name of the company, but TheConnectionQueen has been my 'stage name' for the past 3 years and it's much easier for people to remember. Each time I attend an event and give my business card, I always receive the same comments: "The Connection Queen, I love that", "The Connection Queen? What a great name!" or "The Connection Queen, I definitely need your services." It opens conversations with people, and helps me be recognized as a networking expert. Because of this tag line, I am regularly ask to be a guest speaker or contacted for an interview.

In fact, I spoke this past Wednesday for "Only Diva’s Please…" sponsored by WealthSuccessandWomen on Blog Talk Radio.
You can listen to it - Click-here

What is your branding strategy?

Do you want to position yourself as an expert? Give me just 2 hours and I will help you with new ideas to promote your business. We will review your actual marketing strategies and implement new simple techniques.
Learn more and schedule your session Now

Free Teleclass - Could your business use a jump start?

Are you just getting started and things are going slower than you wish?
Have you been in business for a while but you feel like your business has stalled and you're ready to step up to the next level?

Or, maybe you're just tired of struggling and you'd like to find an easier way. My friend Debbie LaChusa is hosting a free call next Wednesday, July 22nd where she'll be sharing specific ways you can easily jumpstart your business, whether you're just starting out, struggling, or just plain stuck!

Debbie is the founder and president of the National Association of Home-Based Business Moms and a home-based business and marketing coach who has run her own successful 6-figure home-based business since 1998. Debbie shared with me that she has realized that marketing simply isn't enough these days to builda successful business and she's promised to shareher "secret sauce" on this call.

You can register for this free call RSVP NOW

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Free Teleclass “The 12 Most Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make & how to avoid them”

If you have a business idea, but are unsure how to get started, or already own a business, but have not yet achieved the results or success you were hoping for, then this teleclass is for you - Join Me "on July 15th at 8.00PM (Eastern Time)

A large number of people who start their own business do not realize how much work and time will be involved. They fail to carry out any primary research and as a result become quickly overwhelmed.

Perhaps the first question to ask yourself then is whether you are in fact ready to start your own business. Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset? Are you committed to spend all the time you need to succeed? And are you ready to take massive action?

To avoid these disappointments, during this teleclass we will cover ‘The 12 Most Common Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make & How to Avoid Them’
Reserve your seat now

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Did you connect with me online?

I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July with your friends and family. For the first time I celebrated the Fourth of July, since it is not a holiday in France and since living in the US I haven't had the day off. Since I work with both continents, if I take every day off in France and every day off in the US – I won’t be working very often! But this year it was a Saturday, so I joined some friends we went to see a parade, then the beach and finish with the fireworks. A traditional n 4th of July I guess.

Recently, social media / social networking have become very important in the business world. It completely changed the way we do business. It is a great opportunity to expand any business world wide, but some people are still confused on how to use online networking. Before, clients were asking me how to network effectively, now more clients ask me how to use social networking effectively. For more information about it and to get some tips on how to start and what to do, read my new article below.

Client testimonial

"I was introduced to BlitzTime by Biba less than a month ago and have since then networked with 51 people. I have 8 solid leads, and 3 persons with whom I will definitely be doing business. BlitzTime is an EXCELLENT tool for pre-qualifying your prospects. You get an immediate sense of synergy (or not), which makes it an efficient way to leverage your time. It gives a boost to my audio editing business by making it easier for people to connect with me as they hear my voice both on the phone and on my website. I highly recommend BlitzTime to my colleagues and anyone looking for a great way to network."
Thanks Biba for always sharing your proven networking resources
Florette Anderson, A/V Editor -New York -
Professional Results at Reasonable Prices
Your TOO Join BlitzTime -

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July to all of you

I had an amazing 3 day seminar with my French clients. Thanks to my expanded network, I was able to introduce them to people they might have never met if they were simplycoming as tourists. More importantly, they first learned about business and financial opportunities that they didn't imagine might be available before. They left the seminar with new ideas that will help them to grow their business and make a lot more money- even during the recession.

We are already in July, which means we are half way of 2009. Did you achieve any of the goals you made in the beginning of the year or did you already forget them? This is your second chance! Don't miss it.

Set up your goals and refocus on your goals for the next 6 months and be sure to be on track by December. Don't try to do too much at once. It is better to have 2 to 3 important goals that you will be able to achieve than to have 10 that you might give up within few weeks or months. I actually did a collage a couple of weeks ago, to set my goals for the next 6 months. I put it next to my desk as a reminder.

Read the article bellow "What are your goals for the next 30days?"
Don't try to eat an elephant in one time. Set up baby goals every month and try hard to make sure you reach them. Try to get to the big picture by of the end of the year. If you try to do too much at once, you will get discouraged. It doesn't work the way you want if you try to rush it and consequently nothing solid will happen.

Happy 4th of July, and take some serious time to think ofwhere you want to be in 6 months.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What It REALLY Takes For YOU To Make More In The Next 12 Months ThanYou've Made In The Last 12 Years COMBINED."?

Were you one of the over 2,600 people who signed up for Fabienne Fredrickson's FREE teleseminar called" What It REALLY Takes For YOU To Make More In The Next 12 Months Than You've Made In The Last 12 Years COMBINED."?

If you weren't, there's still time for you to download the audio.

Just click here (But do it soon as you only have a few days before the link is coming down.)

Along with sharing the high-content, high-value information Fabienne is known for, Fabienne made a very special offer onthe call. She's going to gift you $500.00 off her BRAND NEW2009

*Marketing and Mindset Breakthroughs Workshop in a Box

*(But only through next Friday.)

This product rocks! It includes DVDs, CDs, and a complete binder from the best ever MMBW live event held just this past April in Los Angeles. And Fabienne has NEVER offered her MMBW system at THIS LOW price before -- especially with both DVD'sand CD's.
But you only have until Friday, July 10, to get the $500 off. You'll want to check this out NOW before you forget. Here's the link again

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Network with me on July 2nd

You are invited to join me and others for a telephone Blitz Event entitled The Big Link on July 2nd at noon EDT.

Connect with new people with whom you can link on other online social networks.

Crank your networking up several notches by adding phone conversations with people who sign up for that very reason! They WANT to connect at a more genuine, one-on-one level.

If you accept the invitation, you will be assigned a phone # and passcode to dial into the event; and during the event you will get to have up to 10 short 5 minute conversations with others signed up for the event.

RSVP NOW See You on the call.