Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"7 Steps to Launching a New Product, Program, or Service...for TONS of Sales

When I teach one of my Online Success Blueprint Workshops, the section that gets my attendees most excited is when I walk them through an actual product launch.

What's a launch?

It's when you release a new product, program, or service for the first time to your mailing list. A launch is a super opportunity to rack up a TON of sales in a short amount of time.

I basically have seven steps to a launch. In my workshops, I walk through them in great detail and include actual examples and results. But to get you started, here's a brief description of each step and how it works. You can do a launch for any service, product, or program, but for the sake of this article, let's assume we're talking about a product.

1. Drop hints in your ezine beforehand.
Before your product is even ready, start getting your readers curious and excited! Drop hints that something big is on the way and what the benefits are. For example, "I'm working on a brand new product that could help you easily double your sales this year. I can't say anything about it just yet, but you'll know the full story on October 1."

2. Create your sales letter and thank-you pages.
Again, you can do these steps even before your product is ready. In fact, many experts recommend you write your sales letter BEFORE you even create the product. After your sales page, you will need a page to send people to once they purchase -- the "thank you" page -- where they can also download your product if it is digital.

3. Set up the product in your shopping cart.
Log-in to your shopping cart program and set up your new product name, price, and the thank-you page URL. Don't forget to add on shipping or sales tax if applicable. I hope you use a shopping cart with all these capabilities! (I use, love, and recommend
1shoppingcart). Then stick the product link on your sales page.

4. Send out a solo mailing to your customer list.
When everything is ready, it's time to start your promotions! The first people I alert about any new product are those who have already bought from me. It's my most responsive list, and this will be your most responsive list, too. Keep this email short and sweet. Your only objective is to drive them to your sales page, where they can get the full story. To make your customers feel special, give them a special discount or bonus that's just for them. And give them a deadline to respond by.

5. Send out a solo mailing to your ezine list.
I do this a few days after I promote to my customer list. Same idea, different list. Got it? Good. : )

6. Let your affiliates know how to promote this new product.
After I launch my product to my own lists, I let my affiliates know that I have a new product they can promote! Send them an email with the details, their individual affiliate link that gives them credit on any referred sales, and even ad copy they can paste into their ezines or websites. Don't forget to mention how much commission they get per sale. (I do this all through

7. Promote in your ezine on an ongoing basis.
Once your launch is over, don't let your product wither away and die! Keep the momentum going. Make sure you highlight it on a regular basis in your ezine via ads or articles, and that it's also easy for visitors to find on your website.

BONUS TIP: Give them a reason to buy today!

People are so busy these days that they will put off ANY decision possible. So, you will ALWAYS get more sales when you give people a reason to buy NOW and not later. For example: Put a time limit on your offer or have a limited quantity available.

© 2005-2009 Alexandria Brown International Inc.

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown publishes the award-winning 'Highlights on Marketing & Success' weekly ezine with 36,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now on Alexandria Brown’s Website

Want more tips like this one, Join Ali’s Free Teleclass on March 5th, "How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This Year...With Online Information Marketing."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What's YOUR secret to creating your own economy?

I'm curious. How many of you are feeling affected by the economy right now?
Are you worried about your business?

Are you looking for more income streams?
Do you want to start a business but are afraid this isn't the right time?
Or are you doing great right now?

For myself, I'm always interested in looking for more ways to take charge of my OWN life and my OWN business. That's why I was intrigued by my mentor, Ali Brown's new free teleclass on Thursday, March5, called "How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This Year...With Online Information Marketing."

Here's the link to sign up:

And don't forget to share your thoughts and questions below. I'd love to know what you really think about your business and the economy right now.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What you focus on is what you get!

"What you focus on is what you get!" is a sentence I heard recently from Adam Urbanski , one of my mentors. You've probably hear the phrase before, but sometimes it is difficult to implement this rule of thumb.

Turn on the a TV or radio lately and most of what you hearis negative: millions of job losses, millions of housing foreclosures, recession, failing businesses, murders... the list goes on.

How can you stay positive on these circumstances and still boost your business?

First, limit watching TV or listening to the radio programsthat are negatively geared. Second, adopt a positiveattitude all time. Third, focus on your business: find newways to make money, offer new programs or services, knowyour niche. Stick to your strategy, study your clients' needs and find ways to solve their challenges. That is what I do and it works. I refuse to let the recession effect my business.

If you were on our teleclass on February 12th, you heard how I learned to be positive, whatever the situation is, thanks to Antony Robbin's book "Awaken the Giant Within". And how with the help of the tools I learned from the book, I kept myself upbeat through breast cancer in 2004. Now in every negative situation I always find the positive aspect.

Well it is the same in business, I take negative situations and turn them into positive solutions; allowing me to grow my business no matter what is going on in the world. A strategy that allowed me to grow my January revenue 7 times compared to January last year. So, adopt a positive attitude to boost your business and if anybody tells you "you can't' consider it a challenge to prove them wrong.

Need help to grow your business in this economy? Give me just 2 hours and I will help you with new ideas to promoteyour business with the marketing laser consultation.

Schedule your consultation NOW CLICK-HERE

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to Do a Simple SPLIT TEST and Improve Your Marketing, Guaranteed

One great thing about marketing on the Internet is it's all very trackable, if you do it right. That means you can easily and quickly figure out what works BEST for your business.

How would you like to know which headlines better get people's attention? Or what price point is more appealing to your target market?

The good news is it's very EASY to find out, with something called a SPLIT TEST.

In the past, setting up a split test practically required an advanced programming degree. But now, all you need to do a split test is a website, something to sell, and a good shopping cart system that will do the test for you. (I use, swear by, and recommend 1Shoppingcart)

Here's what to do:

1. Create the web sales page for your product. Make sure it's FINAL and everything is in place.

2. Create a duplicate sales page, but give it a different URL. For example, your first sales page could be and your second sales page could be This is more for YOU to easily keep track and tell the difference between the two pages.

3. Change ONE variable on sales page B. The important thing here is to only change ONE thing. A few things you can test:
* a different headline
* a different price
* a different photo
* a different bonus

4. Set up your split test. The fastest and easiest way to do this is using the "Ad Tracker" feature in 1ShoppingCart. It takes less than 5 minutes to set up!

All you need to do is enter both URLs. The system will then give you a tracking link. You'll use THIS link in your emails you send to your list. When your readers click on the link, the system will automatically alternate each visitor, sending visitor 1 to page A, visitor 2 to page B, visitor 3 to page A, visitor 4 to page B, and so on. And if a person returns to the link, she will be directed to the same page she saw. (Neat, yes?)

5. Interpret your results. When you log into 1ShoppingCart to view your test results, it will not only tell you how many sales came from each page, but the percentage difference in sales.

The information you can learn from a simple split test can be INVALUABLE to growing your business!

For example, I instructed one of my clients to test her new program at two price points: $87 and $97. She made 20 sales at $87 but NONE at $97. That means that $87 is a price ceiling for that group on this particular topic. (If she had made equal sales at both price points, I would have instructed her to make it $97 from now on, and to keep raising the price via testing until it hits a ceiling.)

Another example: One test I did during a product launch revealed that a simple change in the *design* of the sales page resulted in 25% more sales! So you can be sure I used that design going forward.

You don't have to use split testing only for sales. Wouldn't it be great to know which pages on your website get more opt-ins? 1ShoppingCart can also tell you how many people opt-in for your ezine while they're there.

See how fun and interesting this can be? : ) Using simple tests like this GUARANTEES that you are ALWAYS improving your results.

Now, every time I release ANY new product or program, I always use it as an opportunity to continually improve my marketing. And you should too! (
1ShoppingCart even has a 30-day trial for you to test this out.)

© 2009 Alexandria Brown International Inc.

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown publishes the award-winning 'Highlights on Marketing & Success' weekly ezine with 36,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your FREE tips now on Alexandria Brown's Website