Saturday, October 10, 2009

How To Really Turn More Networking Contacts Into Business Boosting Clients In 7 Simple Steps

Are you tired of coming home from networking events with a pocket full of business cards, a little less gas and no bankable results?

What if you could attract all clients your want just by Networking?What if you had a constant stream of new clients always flowing into your business, instead of chasing them?

Hi! My name is Biba Pédron and my clients call me the “The Connection Queen”, because they were able to grow their businesses by over 30% in less than 3 months simply using the strategies that I have developed for maximizing networking results.

Would You Like To Know How?

Give me just 60 minutes and I'll reveal and share all of my "secrets" and proven strategies that I use to double my revenue for the last 6 years in a raw and run a 6 figure international business.I will show you how to solve your problems with a simple but effective follow-up system. Click-here

Friday, October 9, 2009

How Can We Save at least 1 Hour A Day?

Last week I had some renovations done in my office and living room. As the workers were redoing the walls I had to temporarily move my desk to my bedroom, where I could continue to work quietly. Unfortunately, I don't have WiFi in my condo and moving my work space meant losing the internet during the day while the work was being done.

Yes I admit it,
I am one of those checking emails all day long.

So I was pretty much in a panic. I would only be able to check my email about 3 times a day. But it turned out to be a great lesson. I remembered hearing about a book called "Never read your emails in the morning," but I never sat down to read it. My excuse for constantly checking my email is that half of my clients are based in Europe and are 6 hours ahead of us. I need to reply as soon as possible. But I agreed that it is just an excuse since not every email is an emergency.

For an entire week I had limited access to my email. I only used the internet early in the morning before the work started, during the lunch hour and in the evening after the crew left. And after a week the lesson became clear: I saved at least one hour every day. I know, it sounds amazing, and it is. I saved an entire hour of work per day by not responding to emails constantly. I gained one hour which allowed me to spend more time working on my marketing and

I normally write an article a month and often said that I don’t have the time to write more. With all the time that I saved last week, I was able to write 4 articles in just one week! If I keep this rhythm it means 18 articles a month instead of 1 per month, ok let say 15 just in case. That is 14 more promotion/exposure opportunities per month to attract more people to my website. Which means more potentials clients AND more money.

Time management is crucial. Limit your email responses to 1 to 3 times per day. See if you can work in an extra hour marketing or taking one more client consultation instead of checking emails. The figures speak for themselves: let's say you charge $150/hour for your services and you get an extra hour per day. That equals an additional $750 a week, $3,000 a month or $36,000 a year. No bad right! When we put it into numbers it resonates even more.

If you are like me and you check your emails constantly, try my new strategy for the next week. Track your results and share your experience and leave a comment.

I look forward to hearing your story.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to Write and Publish Your Own Ebook in as Little as 7 Days

How to write and publish your own OUTRAGEOUSLY Profitable eBook in as little as 7 days – even if you can’t write, can’t type and failed high school English class!

Discover the secrets to having your own, outrageously profitable ebook written and
published as quickly as next Saturday, October 10 ... only 7 days from today!

With your own ebook you get... Extremely High Profit Margins! "ZERO" delivery cost - no printing or postage.

A low-risk business you can operate virtually anywhere in the world (just need a phone line)
Make money on "autopilot" 24 hours a day! Prestige and recognition as a "best selling" author

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free Teleclass - How to Boost Your Business With Your Own Product?

Are you a coach, a public speaker, an internet marketer or a small business owner who want to create your own product but just don't know how to start?

So join Biba Pedron, The Connection Queen and Christopher J. Cooper, President of Vitual Media, on October 14th at 8.00PM (Eastern Time) for this FREE 60 minute teleclass, to learn all the steps to transform your passion to your own product.

In this teleclass you will learn how to:

* Convey your passion and expertise through your product.
* Create what you know

* Allow it to take on a life of its own
* Start simple, but just get started!

* Start 4 easy steps to product creation
* Create a product portfolio plan
* Find model product line

* Tailor your products to your target audience
* Define you marketing and sales strategies
* Polish Your Product – It is all in the details!

And Much, Much More...

7 Best Proven Income Boosters for the New Economy

Ali Brown, Inc. 500 entrepreneur coach is at it again! She'shosting a complimentary call to help people like you boost yourincome immediately.

The topic of Ali's call is: "7 Best Proven Income Boosters forthe New Economy." It's on a complimentary call this coming Tuesday, October 6, andyou can learn more and register here

Where as glimmers of hope are emerging in our economy, many entrepreneurs are struggling. Even though the Feds are sayingthat the recession is over, your sales may be sluggish, and new clients may be hard to come by.

So why are some entrepreneurs doing BETTER than ever? Not onlyhave they "made it through the storm," but their profits have skyrocketed over the last year?

They've used one of 7 income boosters that Ali teaches herstudents on a daily basis. And now, she'd like to share themwith you on this free, one-time teleseminar that's a preview toher upcoming event Shine: Discover Your True Wealth (TM).
In a hurry to learn all this timely information? Get more info and sign up here

Here are just some of the topics Ali will cover on this complimentary 75 minute call:
*The 7 best income boosters proven to work in the "neweconomy," and how you can implement them in your particularbusiness (whether you sell products or services.)
*The 4 best business models Ali forecasts to skyrocket in 2010(These are making her students millions of dollars this year, andshe'll share 3 of their case studies stories with you on thecall.)
*The 3 simple actions Ali took that caused her business to growfrom a kitchen-table operation to an Inc. 500 company in justfive years. (Great news: you don’t have to work any harder todo these.)
*The magic principle that is key for smooth growth –especially in this current environment – and the 4 ways to putit to best use in your business and life

I'll be there -- see you on the call!

Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Increase referals by keeping in Touch with People that You Meet!

Smart business people know that getting referrals is the best way to attract new customers. Why? Referred individuals are more likely to do business with you because someone they know or trust suggested that you can help them. Research shows that customers who come from referrals are better customers. They pay faster, complain less, buy more, and stay longer term.

Getting Referrals Can Be Difficult.

Many business owners are uncomfortable to ask for referrals and it can be a challenge to get people to remember you as time goes by. Think about it for a minute. You meet someone at a networking event, can not currently help each other, and are not a good fit for whatever reason to set a follow up meeting. Eight months later, that same person that you met at the networking event has a need for your services. The million dollar question is??? Will they think of you first?

How to Get More Referrals

Networking is a long term process, it is about developing relationships and bonding with people over time. That means keeping in constant contact with them. Yes it is true, you can send out a quick email to people to keep in touch, but networking guru's all seem to agree that a hand written personal note or card is the preferable form of communication for building rapport.

The Secrets of the Most Successful Referral Marketers

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Business Building Blocks

Hope you were able to listen to Ali Brown's info-packed call Tuesday night called, *"Business Building Blocks: A preview call outlining your key steps to starting, growing, and running yourfirst million-dollar business".*

But if you missed it (or just want to listen again to take evenmore notes) you can access here for a limited time

Just as a reminder, here is some of what Ali went over:

-5 strategies to set up your business for success – no matter what your current level

-Cash flow secrets – keep the green flowing...even in a tough economy

-How to structure your existing business for fast growth (without imploding!)

-3 marketing and positioning strategies to increase your income immediately with your current business

-Important legal considerations for your type of business (make sure to protect yourself and your family)

-Keys to running your business like a million-dollar enterprise...even if you don't have money for marketing or staff

-For "maybe" business owners: Whether or not entrepreneurship isright for you (it's a whole different ball game)

And much more...

The incredible response to this call has been overwhelming. Getting back to business basics is the fastest, most reliable wayto build a solid, profitable business.

Because it would be impossible for Ali to cover all of what you can learn about business basics in a single hour, she put together a brand new, comprehensive coaching program called,*Business Building Blocks: Your solid foundation for growing amillion dollar company.*

This program is starting VERY SOON . . . Monday, September 28 to be exact.

It comes with a step-by-step Course Manual and Reference Guide that Ali will take you through over four weeks. This program was designed specifically with the entrepreneur (or would-be entrepreneur) in mind who realizes business success is impossible without knowing the basics.

There is much too much to list here but if you are one of those people ready to learn more about what it really takes for success, I invite you to visit this page

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Networking Miami Style

Click on the picture for the 2nd video - Introduction to our Miami Chapter

A fun Friday afternoon on a boat, Networking Miami Style.

Check our monthly Glazer/Kennedy Chapter in Miami to meet like minded entrepreneurs, learn new strategies to grow your business and have fun on a boat.

If are in the Miami area and would like to join our group.
Attend the 1st event for FREE.

Check to receive our monthly invitation.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ebook - Networking Secrets for Sales Reluctance and Free Offer

Meet Patricia Weber, award-winning - top selling salesperson and sales manager and America's #1 Business Sales Coach for Introverts (and even extroverts reluctant to sell). Patricia offers top tips from her own successful marketing, networking and sales tips as an introvert. If She can help her introvert clients increase sales by 100 % and more, she can help you too get the results you really want in networking.
Check this incredible offer including 9 Free Audios and 2 Special Reports.

Gift 1: Free 9 audios and 3 additional bonuses:

Gift 2: 52 week reluctance action plan and tips,
Gift 3: shatter sales reluctance report, and
Gift 4: FREE 9 page REPORT "My Top 6 Sales Secrets as An Undeniably Top Producer Introvert!"

Grab Your Free Copy NOW

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Traffic Tips Report

I am always learning new strategies to grow my business, and frequently buying new programs or ebooks. I recently bought "The Traffic Tips Report" from Justin Michie, and was able to implement new techniques which helped me attract more traffic on my website and my blog. So I would like to share this resource which will cost you only $7, but will help you a lot.

“For A Very Limited Time You Can Discover The REAL 'Secrets' Most Marketers Will Never Know About Traffic Generation...”

Are you stuck doing the same things everyone else is doing? The competition is wild and targeted visitors are few and far between…
You don't know what to do next.

Maybe It’s Time To Try Something Different

In this report "The Traffic Tips", from Justin Michie, there are hundreds of unique ways to Turbocharge Your Traffic.

If you have a website of ANY kind, in ANY niche, this is an offer you can’t afford to miss.

What could you do with an extra 100, 500, 1,000 visitors per day?

How much would they be worth to you in sales, commissions, opt-in subscribers, ad clicks, branding?

Justin made 10’s of thousands of dollars online last month and without traffic in any way, shape or form, my income would be alarmingly little. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business – including yours.

Inside this report, here's just some of what you'll discover:

-Hundreds of unique techniques to get FREE insanely targeted traffic FAST.
-Autopilot viral marketing strategies you can SET & FORGET.
-Bigger, Badder & Bolder ways to generate an UNSTOPPABLE FLOOD of traffic.
-The NEWEST and COOLEST Web 2.0 marketing methods.
-247 powerful techniques that anyone can use to generate endless amounts of traffic.

For A Limited Time Only... get this exclusive traffic tips report here for just $7. Click-here NOW

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Turn Words Into Traffic

Simple "Traffic Machine" Creates Instant Avalanche of FREE Website Traffic -- without spending a dime on advertising!...and NO, it doesn't involve pay-per-click, Spam, FFA links, banners, "safe lists", complicated search engine tactics, classified ads, or any other crazy traffic scheme.

"Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets of driving Thousands of visitors to your website or affiliate links!
Click Here To Learn More

Monday, September 14, 2009

Internet Selling For Newbies

Get your hands on Internet Selling For Newbies. This bonus alone is a $147 value and you're about to snatch it up for FREE.

OMG! You can't wait to get your hands on this bonus package. This is Mike Filsaime's and Omar Martin's revolutionary coaching program that teaches you how to SELL online.

Take action now and you'll also get this Cd-Rom delivered to your doorstep!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ready to REALLY build a million-dollar biz?

I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about a brand new program Ali Brown has created for entrepreneurs (and "would-be" entrepreneurs) based on her own business savvy.

It's called, *Business Building Blocks: A preview call outlining your key steps to starting, growing, and running your first million-dollar business* and it happens September 22 at 8pm Eastern.

(In a hurry? Sign up for this complimentary call NOW)

On this groundbreaking call you'll learn. . .

* 5 strategies to set up your business for success – nomatter what your current level

* Cash flow secrets – keep the green flowing. . . even in atough economy

* How to structure your existing business for fast growth(without imploding!)

* 3 marketing and positioning strategies to increase yourrevenues immediately with your current business

* Important legal considerations for your type of business (make sure to protect yourself and your family)

* Keys to running your business like a million-dollar Enterprise. . . even if you don't have money for market ingor staff

* For "maybe" business owners: Whether or notentrepreneurship is right for you (it's a whole differentball game)

* And much more. . .

She'll also be sharing about her new step-by-step program

*Business Building Blocks: Your solid foundation forgrowing your million dollar company* which was createdespecially for entrepreneurs who have been in business (aswell as those who are looking to take the leap.)

This is NOT a call to be missed. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial business, you'll gain value from what Ali has to say. I promise.

See you on the call!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Free Teleclass - Comfortable, Confident and Doable Networking Possibilities for Introverts

Mark your calendar for September 16th 8.00pm EDT with, Patricia Weber (Networking Expert of Introverts) "Comfortable, Confident and Doable Networking Possibilities for Introverts".

Click on the picture to see the video

Have you contacted many potential prospects this year?
Or have you been slacking to get in front of your target audience?
Even worst, are you just too queasy about marketing and sales when you could use an easier way?

Regardless of where you are right NOW, marketing and networking results can be stellar for you as an introvert by some easy adjustments.

In this seminar you will learn:
•What top mistakes salespeople make according to buying customers;
•Why it’s a critical mistake to not distinguish between marketing and sales;
•What top negative introvert myths are holding you back from your natural success;
•The three parts of the sales process that more introverts can excel with;
•Why the "hub" instead of the "hook" approach is more attractive for introverts in networking success.

Receive A Free Gift NOW - Click here- to get the first chapter 32 page from" Patricia Weber's ebook "Debunking Negative Introvert Myths: Bringing Your Introvert Strengths to the Party!"

Friday, September 4, 2009

Do you know those big Internet marketers' names that Tony Robbins is talking about?

Finally, the cover design for the new version of Power of Networking Secrets is complete! Stay tuned, I will reveal it soon.

I am working hard on the final touches of the new version. I remember from my first version that the end details take some times. They may be smaller details, but there are more of them and they are sometimes harder to define.

For the last month and a half I have been working with a new coach who specializes in internet marketing. I feel as if I am entering a whole new world as there are so many new strategies to learn. I feel as if I have worked harder to
learn these new tactics and implement them than I have worked in a year! By using just a few of the strategies on one of my website ( my conversion has gone from 20% to 80%.

My new coach, who is a millionaire internet marketer, has mentioned the big names in Internet Marketing, such as John Reese (who was the first person to make a million dollars in 1 day by selling products online),, Frank Kern, Matt Bacak, Shaw Casey or Mike Filsaime. You may have heard of them before, but a month ago I didn’t know who they were.

Six months ago Anthony Robbins discovered those big guys, internet marketers, too. And just launched a new program called "The New Money Master" on which he interviews those marketers to expose the psychology and the systems that work for making tons of money online.

If Anthony Robbins was able to learn a thing or two from those guys, may be you should check it too.

The Next Wave-Manifesting in the 4th Dimension summit for women

"Are you ready to go to the next level of manifestation? Reclaim your power and awaken yourself to connect with the new attraction energy faster than you ever imagined!"-

My good friend Heather Picken is hosting a transformational life-changing 3 day tele-summit called: The Next Wave-Manifesting in the 4th Dimension summit for women.

Heather, along with 24 other Next Wave teachers will show you how to master, learn, and receive guidance to transform every aspect of your life.

There is a new energy that is being birthed on this planet- so either you are going to go against the flow and into fear, or you can learn how to ride the wave and work with the new attraction energy.
This exciting event is for you if….

Learn how to manifest in the 4th Dimension: Free-Live 3 day tele-summit September 8th, 9th, and 10th

Reserve Your Spot NOW

A Lead Generation System That Works – Part 3

If you missed "A Lead Generation System That Works" – Part 1 and 2 click-here

Here are the last 7 of my Lead Generation System That Works

11. I organize events and promote them on about 10 websites.This is another way to get free exposure, so even if people can’t come to the event, if they are interested in learning about it, they check the website, and sign up the newsletter, plus each attendee is a new lead.

12. I do public speaking. This is not my favorite, so I try not to speak four times a month, but in my marketing plan, I scheduled a public engagement every other month, so another organization will promote my book or program to their newsletters and subscribers.This is another way to get free exposure, and I meet new people during the event.

13. I offer free consultation. On my French Consulting Practice’s website, (, I offer a 30-minute free consultation for French people who want to start a business in the U.S.Again, people don’t buy from people they don’t know, so offering a free consultation breaks the fear. They can share their project with me. I inform them of all the steps. They see how I can help them, and doing so, I start building a relationship. As a result, 80% become clients after this consultation.

14. I have an Affiliate Program so other people can sell my program and my book.Because you are a solo entrepreneur or a solo professional, you don’t have to do everything on your own. So having an Affiliate Program is the easiest and fastest way to increase sales and greatly increase your profits. It is like having plenty of salespeople working for you, FOR FREE. The more affiliates you have, the more access you have to thousands of people, who will see your products or services on somebody else’s website or newsletter. You are not the only one to promote your products now, you have a sales force. Your affiliates promote your products or services for free and you don't pay them until they generate a sale for you. When they make a sale, you will be more than happy to pay them a commission, since you would probably never have had this client otherwise.

15. I do numbers of partnerships with companies or entrepreneurs who have the same target market but are not my competitors. Would you rather meet a thousand people, one at a time, or meet a few people who will each introduce you to a thousand? Most people see networking events as a place to get contacts one at a time or make one sale at a time. My goal when I attend a networking event is to meet potential partners, so we could cross-promote each other on our respective websites and newsletters, organize seminars or teleclasses together, do mailing campaigns together, etc. The benefit of it is that you have exposure to their contacts while they have exposure to your contacts. That is a win/win situation.

16. Last, but not least, I have a 7-step follow-up system that works. Statistics show that we need to hear or see a message at least 7 times in order to notice it. So if you are part of those people who follow up only two or three times, you are losing opportunities to turn prospects into clients. That is why it is important not only to have a follow-up system, but to have at least a 7-step follow-up system in place.To learn more about my own 7-step follow-up system, check out my program “Power of Networking Secrets”.
As you can see, using systems in your business is the best way to grow easily and effortlessly. And most of the strategies that I just shared with you don’t even cost you money. All of these strategies work very well if you are starting your business, or if you need to refocus your business to get the result you are expecting after few years. And when you are an established business, that is a way to keep growing.

So what is YOUR lead generation system?

Take some times to sit and think about it. Are you using 2 or 3 lead generation techniques, or do you have 10 to 15? Make a list, as I just did. Which of your lead generation techniques works the best for your business? What other techniques could you implement today? Schedule a new technique each month, set up a date to make sure you will respect your marketing calendar, track the result for each technique, see what works for your business, and watch your sales grow.

Give me just 2 hours and I will help you with new ideas to promote your business, with the Laser Marketing Consultation
Schedule your session NOW

Thursday, August 27, 2009

'7-Day Action Plan' to boost your business with your business card.

Last week after my teleclass "How to turn your business card into a cash machine", I received numbers of emails and questions from people asking me to help them use their business cards as marketing tools. The design and use of business cards seams to be a challenge for many solo-entrepreneurs.

In response to this need, I created a special '7-Day Action Plan' to boost your business with your business card. In just one 2-hour individual phone consultation, I will help you to redesign your card and show you everything you can do to attract more clients with your business card. You will show you how to customize your business card to your specialty and your target market.

Your one-on-one session with The Connection Queen will be recorded so you can play it back as needed. Plus, you will receive your 7 Day Action Plan step-by-step workbook with assignments which will ensure you won’t miss a step.

Get the results you want with your new business card!
Schedule Your One-on-One Session NOW

A Lead Generation System That Works – Part 2

If you missed it, read A Lead Generation System That Works – Part 1 Click - Here

Here are 10 of 17 of my Lead Generation System That Works.

1. Over the past six years, I have exchanged links with other entrepreneurs or websites that have the same target market, but are not my competitors. So when people visit their websites, they see my link and come to check my website.

2. I have a mailing list box on each page of all of my websites. I have five different websites, two of them with more than 200 pages. And since I never know when a visitor will decide to sign-up for the newsletter, I make sure that I don’t miss any opportunity, which is the reason why I have a mailing box on each page.

3. I offer a free report or a free mini e-course.Having a mailing list box on my website is one thing, but to make sure people will actually sign up, I have to offer them something that will interest them, something that will inform them and help them to solve one of their problems.

I offer a free mini e-course, “
15 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Results”. This is free info for them, but at the same time it is a way for me to show them what I do, how I can help them, and how to get more clients with networking. People usually don’t buy from people they don’t know or trust, so showing a part of your product or service will help them to get to know and trust you.

4. I send a weekly newsletter "The Connection Queen News". People sign up first to get the free report. After that, it is my job to tell them more about my business, and share resources, marketing and networking information in order to build a relationship with them. Statistics show that when people don’t buy immediately, they will buy in the next 12 months. So I need to make sure that I am always in the top of their mind, so when they are ready to buy, they will buy from me.

5. I use
auto-responders to automate my website. I use auto-responders when people sign-up for the newsletter or for an event. I set up a series of information messages about my products or services and the benefit of using them. I use them to send audio postcards, to offer special reports for free, and/or to thank my clients for their purchases. Any message will remind them about my services and, more importantly, remind them to come back and buy again. This series of follow-up messages reinforces my relationship with my clients.

6. I use the software “Act” to automate my follow-up system, with people who either attended seminars or teleclasses or bought my book, or program. The first time, I set up the different follow-up messages I want to send to people, then each time I have a new client, I just enter his or her name, and the software will remind me what to do and when to do it. I don’t even have to think about it. As I mentioned earlier, I do the work once and put everything on automatic pilot.

7. I send “Thank You” notes to my clients after they bought my book, program or CD, and after a month, I send them a special offer on their next purchase. I keep the relationship going. In this age of technology, sending a handwritten “Thank You” note makes you stand out from the crowd. You want to impress your clients or contacts and want them to remember you.

8. I ask my clients for
testimonials.Testimonials from satisfied customers are typically the best way to promote your business, and it doesn’t cost you a thing. Stop selling and let your clients do it for you.

9. I write one
article a month and post it on about 50 to 60 directories of articles.Writing articles is actually one of the best ways that I found to get free exposure. Each article is a way to share my expertise with people, and again, to give a sample of what I do and how I can help them.

10. I publish a press release on various websites, each time I have a new product. As with the articles, it is a way to get free exposure and inform people, and the press, of what is new in my business.
As with the articles, it is a way to get free exposure and inform people, and the press, of what is new in my business.

Stay tuned next week for my last 7 Lead Generation System That Works - Part 3
Give me just 2 hours and I will help you with new ideas to promote your business, with the Laser Marketing Consultation

Schedule your session here

Friday, August 21, 2009

Biba is featured on the Solo Talk Radio Show

Join me August 21st. I will be featured on the Solo Talk Radio Show, and interviewed by Donna Amos from Solopreneurs

Click here to get access the radio show

Special Offer - Last Chance

This is your very last chance to order my program "Power of Networking Secrets" for $147. It is only available until Sunday August 23th at midnight EST.

As I mentioned recently, I am working on a completely new version with more secrets revealed including how to network effectively with social media. Plus the brand new version features various interviews with netwoking experts. The new addition comes with a physical product in the form of a great binder and CDs (not audio mp3 format only but really CDs that you could play in your car, when you jog or every where you go.)

This new version will include everyday strategies I used to grow my business over the last 6 years. I'll show you step-by-step exactly what to do and what to avoid in your business to attract a lot more clients, consistently, to double your revenue by the end of the year.
But a lot more information means a more expensive price, so this new version will be much more than $147. If you still want to grab the current version to get the basics of growing your business, take action while you can for the next 3 days.

On Monday the $147 will be gone!
Click Here NOW

Free Teleclass - JumpStart Your Home-Based Business

My friend Debbie LaChusa, Founder of The National Assn of Home-Based Business Moms (NAHBM), is on a mission since summer, to help you JumpStart your home-based business.

Join her for her Free Teleclass Series Continues with 5 Calls!

Call #1: Is an Identity Crisis Killing Your Business?
Call #2: How to Transform Your Business With an Automated Lead
Call #3: How to Easily Attract & Convert the "Right" Clients
Call #4: Is Your Business a Victim Of Your Own Mindsets?
Call #5: Biggest Mistakes Home-Based Business Owners Make & How to Avoid Them

Each call will be 30 minutes long so you can easily fit it into your schedule.

We will also be recording the calls so if for some reason you have to miss a call, you'll be able to catch up later.

A Lead Generation System That Works - Part 1

I recently had a drink with somebody that I had met few years ago, when I started Biba4Network, but whom I didn’t get the opportunity to see for years. He was one of the first subscribers in my newsletter, so even if we hadn’t seen each other for a while, he was reading the newsletter every week and kept informed of what was happening in my business.

One of his comments was "Wow, I can’t believe how much you have grown your business! I remember when you started, just moving from France, and you didn’t know anybody here. How did you get to this point? You definitely can’t do all of this on your own, so how many people work for you now? What is your secret?"

I answered that I found my result a normal growth. You know, you work hard, you learn from others, you implement the techniques and strategies that you have learned, and if you do it correctly, the normal result is to grow. Simple isn’t it?
But when I got back home, I thought about it. What did I do for the past few years to grow my business, to the point that I actually made the same revenue in the last three months as I had made all last year? I must have done something!

I think that some of the reasons that I was able to grow my business are:

#1- I spend lot of time learning from others, reading books or attending seminars. But reading a book or attending a seminar is not enough. Most people close a book or leave a seminar very motivated - "Wow, great techniques!" - but the next day they return to their routine and never
implement those techniques in their business. I personally implement at least one of the techniques each time.

#2 – I learned how to delegate, and have all of my administrative tasks done by my virtual assistant, while I have more time to work on my marketing plan and work with clients.

#3 – I established systems, so I don’t have to do the same thing over and over. I do it once and put all of my business on automatic pilot. This, by the way, gives me more free time, to either work on a new project or just take a vacation.

#4 – I make technology work for me. I still remember the time when I was sending my newsletter manually, 30 emails at a time, directly from Outlook, taking an hour to do it every Monday morning. Now, thanks to my Shopping Cart, in just one click, I send the newsletter to my 3000 subscribers. Or when I answered manually each time somebody signed up for an
event, then sent a reminder the day before the event. Now the auto-responders are doing it for me.

#5 – I have a lead generation system that works. When I work with clients who are complaining that their business is not giving the results they are expecting, even after a couple of years, or that their business doesn’t get enough leads, I ask them what lead generation techniques they are using. Most answer that they usually send e-mails, sometime have a newsletter, go to networking (but don’t follow-up effectively) and stop there. Well, they use 3 or 4 lead
generation techniques, but if you are using 10 or 15 lead generation techniques, as I do, you definitely get more chances to turn your leads into clients.

So what is my lead generation system?
Don’t miss the newsletter next Friday, I will share my 17 Lead Generation System

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unspoken, But Crucial To Your Online Success

In the beginning there was the marketer. There are certain truths you come to understand the more time you spend making money online – or trying to.
Witness the evolution of marketing online. Whether you are new to the net game or an experienced pro, there is one thing you will have in common if you are moving towards entrepreneurial success.

As you read this article you will realize what you have in common with all the other million dollar earners online, and what you’re missing that can take you from where you are to where you want to be.

So let’s get started shall we?
I will begin with a bullet point list and short explanation of the marketing necessities you want to have:

For starters, most established markets will already be using this by default:
- A Domain: something specific to what you want to promote like (
- Hosting: a place to put your site, if you’re planning on making money – find a paid solution so you look like a credible business and you cut back on high traffic crashes.

- A website: your image your presence and your marketing message, don’t get pulled into the trap I see everywhere of trying to put too many choices on your website. Maximize on the effectiveness by only giving one purpose to a page.

For example if you want to build a list - focus all your efforts and copy on that singular focus, if you want your site to sell a product, then only put that focus on your site. You’ll also need a good editing program, and an ftp software to get this up and moving.

- A merchant account: If you have something to sell, people will need a way to pay you. There are a ton of great providers out there, but there are a specific few that give your visitors the security to pull out a credit card with assurance.

- An Autoresponder: This is a real necessity if you want a business and not just a hobby. When you have a family to support this is a real no brainer. This is your email follow up service. You get a name added to your list and this is where they go. You will use this to stay in touch and build relationships with your customers and soon-to-be customers. (I use and recommend 1shoppingcart)

- A helpdesk: in the beginning when your business and sales are small you can handle all the little questions and emails yourself. One of the things that will keep a small business is small is thinking “I can do that myself” if you want to truly grow; you need to share the workload (petty tasks) and focus on what you truly want to do creatively for your business.

- Membership Site software: once you’re addicted to the internet marketing lifestyle, you will realize this oh-so-simple fact, it’s great to make a sale, but it’s even better to make a sale once and get paid for it every month. Continuity is king.

- Teleconferencing software: If you want an easy way to create and crank out high ticket products, audios and a transcript is an easy to make, high-value product. (I use and recommend audioacrobat).

Of course everything we’ve touched on so far only scratches the surface, but these are the necessities that not only get you started but will make you above average. Keep your eyes peeled for more articles that will take you from beginner to winner.

We’ll cover resources that will help you stay organized and expand your business to make you truly prosperous such as:

- PDF creators and converters
- Mind mapping software
- Site tools to make your business a set and forget it
– money magnet
- Internet video and audio creating software
- And the how-to’s of outsourcing
Keep learning, and most important: be persistent – it will be a quality you share with the biggest money makers online today…

Friday, August 14, 2009

Free eBook - Debunking Negative Introvert Myths

As you know I am always trying to find the best resources to help you grow your business faster. In the past I have been very shy; I had trouble walking into a room to meet and greet people. I thought by having my own groups, hosting events and welcoming everyone I would be able to get over my shyness. I began to organize networking events in New York.
But if you're shy or introverted, you don't need to start your own group. There are other ways to overcome the challenge. Help is on the way in the form of a new ebook, written by my friend, Patricia Weber (Networking Expert of Introverts) called "Debunking Negative Introvert Myths: Bringing Your Introvert Strengths to the Party!"

You have got to see this, Click-here
Best part ---> you can get the first chapter 32 page for Free
Continue to read.

Learn the truth about introverts and let the negative myths dissolve. Here's your guide to how you can:

- Once and for all demolish any devastatingdoubts and discover your true worth.
- Feel good about who you are, rather thantrying to learn to become an extrovert.
- Be happier at work and in your personal life.

Get your Free 32 page excerpt! "Debunking Negative Introvert Myths: Bringing Your Introvert Strengths to the Party!"

Purchase by end of week, Sunday August 16th, andget $155.00 worth of bonuses:

BONUS #1: A downloadable 40 minute mp3 of - The Introvert's Quest to Discover, Boost and SustainYour Self-Confidence. Value $29.00;

BONUS #2: A trio of downloadable one-page quick reference guides (in pdf form) - An Introvert'sPlan to Recharge Energy in the Workplace, The Introvert's Declaration and An Introvert's and Communiqué in the Workplace. You can laminate these top ideas to remind you of way to recharge physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually; to stay true to who you are and to help extroverts easily understand you. Value$29.85

BONUS #3: a live teleclass that will launchin September 2009 based on this ebook and which will introduce you to Doris Helge's work, Joy on the Job for Introverts and Shy People. This is an exclusive ONLY for the ebook purchasers. Value $97.00 (If you can't attend don't worry, you'llget a link to the recording to either download orlisten to online) The bonuses will either change or go away afterthat so get your complimentary 32-page excerptand then invest in the package.

Get your Free 32 page excerpt! for a LIFE ALTERING experience NOW

Monday, August 10, 2009

Free Teleclass - "How to Turn Your Business Card into Cash by Attracting More Clients"

It happened again... I attended two networking events this week in Miami, and I met many people who did not have business cards. Having organized and attended networking events for the last six years, I am still surprised and amazed to see how many solo-entrepreneurs and small business owners don’t have professional business cards.

Your business card is your first marketing tool. But are you using it in the most effective way?

What Does Your Business Card Say About You?

Take a look at your card now. Does it include the key elements to give a professional image to your business?
-Does your card stand out from the crowd?
-Does your card give you the results you are expecting?
-Does your card say what you want it to say?
-Does your design work with your company image and the rest of your marketing materials?

If you answered no to one or more of these questions, join me for my free teleclass on August 19th at 8.00PM EDT "How to Turn Your Business Card into Cash by Attracting More Clients"

You will learn:
The 10 indispensable keys which MUST appear on your business card.
-How to design a memorable business card.
-How to maximize your #1 marketing tool.
-How to turn your business card into a referral program.
-How to make money and attract more clients.

Reserve Your Seat NOW

Friday, August 7, 2009

Power of Networking Secrets - New Version Coming Soon

Thanks to all of you who replied to my emails last week mentioning your biggest challenges about networking in order to help me upgrade the most complete program, Power of Networking Secrets.

If you haven’t reply yet, it is not too late, just answer the two following questions:
1/ What are your 3 biggest challenges at a live networking event ?
2/ What are your 3 biggest challenges with social networking?

Just answer today on the comments section and as a thank you for your help and your time, I will send you a Fre.e special report covering these challenges as soon as it will be ready.

Remember, It will take me a few weeks to update the program, which means that in the next weeks the price will also be upgraded too. So take this opportunity to get the current copy of "Power of Networking Secrets" NOW at $147 ONLY while you still can.

This week I was very busy working on the new version of Power of Networking Secrets. I am adding so much content, that I am as excited as the first time I wrote the program in 2006. Now, as opposed to 2006, I can offer a digital
product almost instantaneously. If you are like me, even when I receive a digital version, like a pdf, I need to print it, make notes and highlight the important parts. That way I can look back for information, easily find it and remember exactly why the information is important to me. I also like to keep a hard copy in a binder on my selves and have access to it.
My new version of Power of Networking Secrets will be a physical product, complete with CDs and probably some videos and will come in a very nice binder of its own. I can’t wait to finish it and see the final product. Take advantage of the pricing now, before my product hits the shelves. Just remember as soon as the final product is ready it will be full price. To take advantage of the current
version and pricing, act now and grab your own copy at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Free Teleclass - "How to Turn Your Business Card into Cash by Attracting More Clients"

It happened again... I attended two networking events this week in Miami, and I met many people who did not have business cards. Having organized and attended networking events for the last six years, I am still surprised and amazed to see how many solo-entrepreneurs and small business owners don’t have professional business cards.

Your business card is your first marketing tool. But are you using it in the most effective way?

What Does Your Business Card Say About You?

Take a look at your card now. Does it include the key elements to give a professional image to your business?
-Does your card stand out from the crowd?

-Does your card give you the results you are expecting?
-Does your card say what you want it to say?
-Does your design work with your company image and the rest of your marketing materials?

If you answered no to one or more of these questions, join me for my free teleclass on August 19th at 8.00PM EDT "How to Turn Your Business Card into Cash by Attracting More Clients"

You will learn:
-The 10 indispensable keys which MUST appear on your business card.
-How to design a memorable business card.
-How to maximize your #1 marketing tool.
-How to turn your business card into a referral program.-How to make money and attract more clients.

Reserve Your Seat NOW

Friday, July 31, 2009

I Need Your help

After Biba4Network’s new look recently, I am now working on updating my program "Power of Networking Secrets." I developed this program a few years ago now, but since then there have been many changes to the ways you can promote your business, and attract clients. We can’t avoid the big boom of social networking if we want to stay in business. My program will now discusses how to integrate social media marketing.

But how? Lots of solo-entrepreneurs are very confused on how to use Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and others and how to follow up with the people that you meet on these social media websites. Are the online and offline strategies the
same? How do you adapt them?

But to make sure I will answer every of your question on this new version of "Power of Networking Secrets" I need your help.
So to help me upgrade the most complete progra

m, could you just answer the two following questions:
1/ What are your 3 biggest challenges at a live networkingevent ?
2/ What are your 3 biggest challenges with social networking?
Just hit reply with your answer today and as a thank you for your help and your time, I will send you a Fre.e special report covering these challenges as soon as it will be ready.

It will take me a few weeks to update the program, which means that in the next weeks the price will also be upgraded too. So take this opportunity to get the current copy of "Power of Networking Secrets" NOW at $147 ONLY while you still can.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Virtual Abundance Expo

“This July…Over 12 Top World Thought Leaders, Trainers, And Inspirational Luminaries Will Be In Your Living Room… for an entire week”

Okay, let's face it ...

It's not easy to think "abundance" these days because if you're like most folks, you're feeling the stress of the turbulent economic times we're currently in :-(

And that's exactly why I want you to take a look at the virtual expo event taking place July 27 - 30th.

It's called the "Virtual Abundance Expo" (VAE) and for almost a week, you'll get access to leaders who teach the "Abundance" mindset. I'm giving this event my highest recommendation and I encourage you to click and read the full story.

The VAE is the most exclusive and affordable way to think and feel more abundant results for life.

Get the full story here

To more abundance,

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's The Day After the Networking Event - What Do I Do Now?‏

Networking is a little like fishing. You have to show up, put your line in the water and continue to be patient until a fish bites.You are invited to join me, Patricia Weber, The Business Sales Coach for Introverts and others on July 23th for a telephone Blitz Event entitled 'The Day After the Networking Event - What Do I Do Now?' We have room for you!

Michael Kreppein, Chief Sales Officer of Inquisix, will talk about what you do the morning after a networking event.

During his call, you will learn:
* Show Up - Were you prepared for the event last night? Prepping for the event means you're ready for the morning after.

* Dive In - You have all these business cards infront of you, now what? Respond to them all? Just a few? And what do you say?

* Best Way to Get Value - The best way to get value from attending networking events is to Give. Learn why giving ends up meaning you get

* Continue Reaching Out - The next networking event may not be for another month. What should you do over the next 30 days?

If you accept the invitation, you will be assigned a phone # and passcode to dial into the event; and during the event you will get to have up to 5 short 6 minute conversations with others signed up for the event.

Come and show up, put your line in the water and then put Michael's ideas into action.

How Do You Define Abundance?

Abundance is a concept often debated in spiritual and entrepreneurial circles.
Entrepreneurs commonly use the catch-phrase "thinking BIG," but they really mean the same thing.

Abundance is tough to define because it's one of those unique ideas that must be experienced to really be understood ... it can't just be explained.
Yet the most encouraging part of adopting an abundance mindset is how it can connect you to people with totally different set of beliefs and values.

It instantly sustains inclusivity even with people who are dramatically different.
POP QUIZ: What do Mother Theresa and Donald Trump have most in common?
The answer is their abundance mind-set.

Donald Trump says, "If you're going to think anyway, you might as well think big."

Mother Theresa said: "The more we discover the magnitude and abundance of God's gifts, the more we will find ourselves."

Again, the abundance mindset creates connections.

Bucky Fuller had this to say about the abundance mindset:
"The condition of planet earth is abundance. Our belief in either scarcity or abundance determines how our financial, legal, political and military systems are set up or exist at all.

Scarcity and abundance are foundational and contextual ideas. They each give rise to a distinct system of thought and a number of rules, characteristics and measures which only make sense within their own system."

Above all, the abundance-mindset is a choice. In other words, you choose to look through the lens of scarcity, or through the lens of abundance. There is no in-between.

"Do ... or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

Because there are are so many differing opinions about abundance, my colleagues and I have decided to conductthis worldwide survey get more opinions - your opinion - on this highly debated topic.
My JV partners, Alex Mandossian and Scott Martineau are hosting the Virtual Abundance Expo next week, so I figured this a great opportunity to host a survey and attract the best single sentence that clearly defines abundance.

What to do now: Please use the comment box to write your definition of abundance. The survey ends at 5pm PDT on Monday, July 27th, right before Jack Canfield's keynote speech for the Virtual Abundance Expo.

All the definitions will be gathered and tallied the next day and five finalists will be chosen for the final vote.

If you are one of the five finalists, your definition of abundance will be personally evaluated by our Virtual Abundance Expo faculty.

The top vote-getter with the clearest and most concise definition of abundance will be personally interviewed by Scott and Alex as a honorary faculty member for Virtual Abundance Expo.

So what do you say ... are you game?

If you are game, then take a peek at these 9 abundance quotes to get your heart and mind moving...

"The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention"
~ Kevin Kelly in Wired
"Nothing amuses me more than the easy manner with which everybody settles the abundance of those who have a great deal less than themselves."
~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

"Abundance is, in large part, an attitude" ~ Sue Patton Thoele

"Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise"
~ Heraclitus (540 BC - 480 BC)
"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little"
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945)

"Unfortunately, the balance of nature decrees that a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares"
~ Peter Ustinov (1921 - 2004)
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into"
~ Wayne Dyer

"Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level"
~ Eileen Caddy

"Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance"
~ Epicurus

Now it's your turn ... type in what you feel abundance means to you. Go ahead ... the simple act of thinking about it will instantly improve your day.

Free Teleclass - Are you ready to SHINE with Ali Brown?

I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about a groundbreaking preview call hosted by Ali Brown (my coach for the last 4 years) coming up on *Wednesday, July 29*.

It's called "Shine: The New Entrepreneurial Model That'sChanging the World"
(In a hurry? Sign up for this complimentary call now

If you haven't heard of Ali, get ready to have your worldchanged forever. This dynamic woman is paving a new road forentrepreneurs with her business models and income growthstrategies. She got started with internet marketing and hassince then created a multimillion dollar company devoted tohelping women and men create profitable businesses (and lives)that can help change the world. (She even recently launched herown print magazine, but you'll hear about that later.)

The important thing to know is that Ali's methods work - she'shelped everyone from home-based moms to millionaires double ortriple their revenues by ramping up their businesses.

Well, Ali's ready to launch something brand new and BIG. And she's revealing all on this one-time complimentary teleseminar called "Shine," which you can learn more about here

You see, there's a monumental shift happening in business, and the world.

Previous income models are failing and fading. Entrepreneurs whoare continuing to operate as they have previously are findingthe same old strategies are not working anymore. In fact, theyare likely hurting their business.

The "traditional" paradigms for success are collapsing. Andthose who know will be leading the way as they SHINE...
* It's not about working harder - it's about daring to workdifferently
* It's not about marketing with hype - it's about authenticity,with style
* It's not about dreaming dreams - it's about pursuing thempurposefully
* It's not about materialism - it's about wealth of self, inside and out>

Ali will explain it all on this one-time call. She'll also besharing about her groundbreaking new LIVE Shine event this fallin Las Vegas, Nevada. (And you'll learn how you can enjoy agenerous $500 discount off the ticket price.)

Again, learn more and register for this free teleseminar on July29

You don't want to miss this call with Ali - she's leading the evolution.

See you on the call.

Networking Secrets for Sales Reluctance

Meet Patricia Weber, The Business Sales Coach for Introverts.

Independent Professionals, Salespeople, Small Business Owners: Sales reluctance can hit salespeople at any point in selling. Introverts in particular have innate strengths that can help us to be more successful, influential and effective.

Here’s how you can increase your sales by at least 20% to 30% more easily and quickly, being just who you are.
Click-here and Receive totaly FREE 9 Audios!

"Networking Secrets for Sales Reluctance: How I Overcame Unsuccessful Networking as an Introvert!"

You'll have instant access to these recordings. And be subscribed to Patricia's monthly one page ezine.
Just fill in your first name and email address here:
Gift 1: Free 9 audios and 3 additional bonuses:
Gift 2: 52 week reluctance action plan and tips,
Gift 3: Shatter sales reluctance report, and
Gift 4: FREE 9 page REPORT "My Top 6 Sales Secrets asAn Undeniably Top Producer Introvert!"