Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Free Teleclass - Are you ready to SHINE with Ali Brown?

I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about a groundbreaking preview call hosted by Ali Brown (my coach for the last 4 years) coming up on *Wednesday, July 29*.

It's called "Shine: The New Entrepreneurial Model That'sChanging the World"
(In a hurry? Sign up for this complimentary call now

If you haven't heard of Ali, get ready to have your worldchanged forever. This dynamic woman is paving a new road forentrepreneurs with her business models and income growthstrategies. She got started with internet marketing and hassince then created a multimillion dollar company devoted tohelping women and men create profitable businesses (and lives)that can help change the world. (She even recently launched herown print magazine, but you'll hear about that later.)

The important thing to know is that Ali's methods work - she'shelped everyone from home-based moms to millionaires double ortriple their revenues by ramping up their businesses.

Well, Ali's ready to launch something brand new and BIG. And she's revealing all on this one-time complimentary teleseminar called "Shine," which you can learn more about here

You see, there's a monumental shift happening in business, and the world.

Previous income models are failing and fading. Entrepreneurs whoare continuing to operate as they have previously are findingthe same old strategies are not working anymore. In fact, theyare likely hurting their business.

The "traditional" paradigms for success are collapsing. Andthose who know will be leading the way as they SHINE...
* It's not about working harder - it's about daring to workdifferently
* It's not about marketing with hype - it's about authenticity,with style
* It's not about dreaming dreams - it's about pursuing thempurposefully
* It's not about materialism - it's about wealth of self, inside and out>

Ali will explain it all on this one-time call. She'll also besharing about her groundbreaking new LIVE Shine event this fallin Las Vegas, Nevada. (And you'll learn how you can enjoy agenerous $500 discount off the ticket price.)

Again, learn more and register for this free teleseminar on July29

You don't want to miss this call with Ali - she's leading the evolution.

See you on the call.

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