So join Biba Pedron, The Connection Queen and Christopher J. Cooper, President of Vitual Media, on October 14th at 8.00PM (Eastern Time) for this FREE 60 minute teleclass, to learn all the steps to transform your passion to your own product.
In this teleclass you will learn how to:
In this teleclass you will learn how to:
* Convey your passion and expertise through your product.
* Create what you know
* Create what you know
* Allow it to take on a life of its own
* Start simple, but just get started!
* Start simple, but just get started!
* Start 4 easy steps to product creation
* Create a product portfolio plan
* Find model product line
* Find model product line
* Tailor your products to your target audience
* Define you marketing and sales strategies
* Define you marketing and sales strategies
* Polish Your Product – It is all in the details!
And Much, Much More...
And Much, Much More...
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