The participants who came from France especially for this event were very surprised to get that much information in just two days. Basically, I gave them in 2 days what it took me 2 years to learn, going back and forth between Paris and New York: from how to start a business in the US, to how to incorporate, write a business plan, get a visa to be allow to work in the US, how to protect their business with trademark, how to approach to the US market, information about taxes and the American bank system compare to France and of course how to network and how to use it to grow their business.

Then they got a chance to attend my Networking Mixer and meet the Americans entrepreneurs who attended. Some of them made connections for their businesses during the Networking Mixer. My Partners who joined me for this seminar, (Hany Khoury - Immigration Lawyer, Olivera Medenica - Business Lawyer, Frederic Flanchard - CPA) where also very impressed with the result. The Immigration Lawyer who works with me for the last 5 years and has been in practice for 18 years, told me that he never saw a such concept in his career. I definitely found a unique niche.

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