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As the more easily adaptable gender, women have succeeded in business largely by becoming more masculine. Exhilarating - but exhausting - masculine modes are limited in what they can achieve. Join Ali and Alison as they show that by consciously bringing your feminine power to your business, you -- the female business owner -- can be more successful and more fulfilled. (And wealthier, too!) Men, you'll learn how women are wired to work differently, so you'll better understand how to work with us, too!We'll cover strategies for maintaining your femininity as a business owner, and tips for harnessing your feminine power to catapult your success! You won't want to miss this one.
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I only have a moment, but I must say quickly (and this is absolutely UNSOLICITED), both Ali Brown and Biba Pedron are "off the hook!" Ali is Biba's mentor, and though she does not know it, Biba is mine. Watching the two of them has inspired me as a copywriter. Their words of advice have served as signficant components of the foundation of my progress and motivation. Biba, I am so glad you have a blog. . . . and you've done an amazing job with it. Keep up the great work!
Thank you very much Stacey, I really appreciate.
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