Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to Determine Your Niche?

After a week in NYC I thought I will realize how much I miss it, but after the busy week and realizing how everybody is in a rush all the time, in the streets, in the subway, having meetings back to back, running to networking events every evening, I was actually very happy to come home. Home is now Miami, no doubt about it! I definitely have a much more quality of life; even when I went back to my routine: consulting and coaching all day and spending my weekend between my jogging and the pool. Here I can take time to relax even if I work a lot.

This week, I spoke with a couple of my friends and both were surprised so see my results with my weekend seminar in NYC; not that they doubt of my professionalism. One of my friends was very surprised that it took me only 2 months to put this seminar together, promote it and to get ten people to come from France for this weekend, all ready to pay $700 plus their airline ticket plus hotel which is a minimum budget of $2500 to $3000 for 4 days. Usually for that kind of budget you need to promote the event 3 to 6 months in advance. My other friend was awed because I made a 60% profit for this first weekend seminar, when usually people just break even and make mistakes along the way.
I didn't really realize the extent of the results until they pointed out to me, even though I knew it was a success. The reason is that as long as your target market is a very specific niche, it is much easier to reach your clients, which is my case with my French Consulting, plus since no one is in the same market, I don't have competitor. Recently a big law firm in New York sent me a client because they couldn't do anything for him, but they heard of my services and my results and were so impressed by the packages that I offer, that they recommend their client to contact me.

Need help to determine your niche, check out my program "Power of Networking Secrets" to learn how I do it and how you can TOO.

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