Let's face facts: business owners and sales professionals really have only two courses of action available to them:
1. Tighten your belts, cut costs, increase discounts and accept lower sales revenues and a shorter, smaller bottom line. Hunker down and hope that you will survive till good times come around again.
2. Sharpen, refine and increase your prospecting and sales skills, and look for new opportunity.
On Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 1PM EST Wendy Weiss, The Queen of Cold Calling, will be hosting a TeleClass on Growing your Business in Tough Times. Click Here to Learn More and to Register
Most companies (including your competition) will be doing less and doing with less: They'll be cutting out marketing, they'll stop prospecting, they will discount and they'll be scared to death to approach current customers for more business for fear of alienating and losing those customers altogether. Now is the time to take action.
In this TeleClass you will learn how to locate the best prospects, shorten your sales cycles, use expert positioning to reduce discounting, sell more to existing customers, and find new opportunity - where none existed before.
Reserve Your Seat NOW
In this TeleClass you will learn how to locate the best prospects, shorten your sales cycles, use expert positioning to reduce discounting, sell more to existing customers, and find new opportunity - where none existed before.
Reserve Your Seat NOW
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