Ah yes, Amy, believe me, I remember what that was like. Infact, things got so bad when I first started my businessback in New York 10 years ago that there was one evening Icouldn't even take out $20 from the ATM. (And even if I didhave cash to spend, I didn't know where to find a mentoranyway.)
So what's a girl to do when she's on a budget?
So what's a girl to do when she's on a budget?
Answer: Learn all she can within her means.
While in-depth courses and high-level mentorship programsdeliver a complete plan for those who are ready to investand move forward quickly, don't forget about tried and truelow-budget learning options. The five I list below aresurely nothing new, but often times we forget they are herefor the taking! The only trick is you have to motivateyourself.
1. Books.
Yes, books. Remember books? There are millions of helpfuland educational books out there. Both new ones in bookstoresand used ones at the library. Ones to inspire you, tomotivate you, to help you think differently, and deliveringspecific steps to grow yourself and your business. Spend arainy afternoon in a Borders or Barnes & Noble with a coffeeand see what strikes your fancy. Or finally get that local library card and see what they have to offer in theirbusiness and self help sections. Bonus: Most libraries alsocarry CDs and DVDs that they rent for free or a low fee, andusually you'll be able to find several educational titles.
2. Free ezines and reports. (Receive our Free newsletter and Free Mini E-course "15 Ways to Maximize Your Networking Results)
Search your topic of business online and you're bound tofind tons of free online information and many in the form ofezine subscriptions and reports. From marketing tomoneymaking, from advertising to finding clients, if yousearch for it you will find it. Just know these media - being free - are typically moreintroductory information and used as lead generators. Butgood content can surely be found!
Along the same lines, many experts are also hosting freeteleseminars and webinars day and night around the globe.All you need to participate is a phone or an Internetconnection. From business training to personal development -search and you will find as well! As with free ezines andreports, you can learn a lot from these events, but justexpect a sales offer during the session.
4. Free and low-cost live seminars.
4. Free and low-cost live seminars.
Even adult education classes via organizations such as theLearning Annex are great to get started. Even though theyusually feature very basic info, I've found these classesare still good to help reboot your brain and give you somenew ideas to walk away with. If you live in a major city you can also almost always findfree or low-cost seminars to attend as well, if you keepyour eyes and ears open. But remember, the hosts of theseevents aren't non-profits! Expect a sales invitation to buytheir products or enroll in a program. Just realize thisupfront as you go in and graciously decline should youchoose not to take advantage.
5. Lower-priced information products and programs.
5. Lower-priced information products and programs.
If you can't afford a live mentor, how about one in a box?That's how I started! And I admit it was even from a TV infomercial. Back when I had finally quit my last job 10 years ago, I waslost and frustrated. I had started my business but was downto just a few hundred dollars in my bank account. One latenight I was up and turned on the TV and saw an infomercialfor Tony Robbins' "Personal Power II". (Funny enough, I could barely see it on the screen since I couldn't affordcable TV and was watching it via old-fashioned rabbitears.)
If I remember correctly, the product was $179 at the time. That was a huge stretch for me, and I opted for the paymentplan. And when those cassettes arrived (yes, I got thecassettes because they were cheaper than the CDs), I doveinto them like a box of chocolates! Tony became my virtualmentor as his voice of encouragement, showing me how tothink big, was played in my ears every day while I rode thesubway.
If you're not growing, you're dying.
Remember that not having cash to invest in your business isno excuse to sit on your bum. There's a great saying, "Godhelps those who help themselves." Having money isn't aprerequisite to step forward to grow and become your best.The only requirement to your stepping into your greatness isyour true desire to do so.
© 2009 Alexandria Brown International Inc.
Online entrepreneur Ali Brown publishes the award-winning'Highlights on Marketing & Success' weekly ezine with36,000+ subscribers. If you're ready to jump-start yourmarketing, make more money, and have more fun in your smallbusiness, get your FREE tips now at http://tinyurl.com/EzineQueen
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