I wanted to give you a quick heads-up about aF.R.E.E. teleseminar series beginning this coming January 20th, that could honestly change your business and your life, for good.
Have you heard of Fabienne Fredrickson, the million-do Client Attraction Breakthroughs Mentor?
After struggling to attract enough clients tostay in business and pay her bills each month, Fabienne made a commitment to learn everything she could about attracting clients. That was nearly 10 years ago. A year of blood, sweat andtears later, she found the magic formula: averifiable, repeatable system that anyone can use to authentically and consistently fill their client pipeline and turn prospects into payingclients. She went on to create the popular Client Attraction System(R) that thousands of people arenow using to attract more clients, make more thanever before, and have more time off to enjoy itall. It's truly amazing.
But she didn't stop there. Fabienne took it all to another level...
Not only was Fabienne able to fill her businessto full capacity with ideal, high-paying clients,she kept it consistently full, and kept doubling her income every year, as a result of employing innovative business models, applying simplepassive and leveraged income principles AND delegating, systematizing and outsourcing manyparts of her business.
Not only was Fabienne able to fill her businessto full capacity with ideal, high-paying clients,she kept it consistently full, and kept doubling her income every year, as a result of employing innovative business models, applying simplepassive and leveraged income principles AND delegating, systematizing and outsourcing manyparts of her business.
Now, Fabienne is a million-dollar mom-preneur, spreading the message that you really don't have to settle for a mediocre business. You really can make a LOT more than you're making now, while having a life of freedom and ease to spend time with the ones you love. She and her clients are walking examples of it.
The GOOD NEWS for you: on January 20th, Fabienne has agreed to reveal the EXACT steps she took to create big BREAKTHROUGHS in her Client Attractionon the first call of her *FREE teleseminarseries*, just for you!
She only does this once a year and she's known to give a LOT of information, so I know I'll be there, and I want to hear you on the line too. You just CANNOT miss this. So, won't you join me? The first call is on *Tuesday, January 20* and you can sign up and get the details here now
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